Welcome to the SCR blog page. This is where you can find out the inside track about everything (well almost!) that's going on at Stratford Community Radio. Presenters, producers and all the back room staff will keep you up to speed on all the latest developments at YOUR radio station, so remember to check back on a regular basis. Don't forget, if you've got something to say about the town in which you live, then contact us.
THIS MUCH I KNOW – for your listening pleasure!
Jackie King-Turner hosts a wonderful show on Saturdays between 1-2pm. It is a mix of great music, chosen by her guest and lively chat explaining why those tracks are important – think of it as Desert Island Discs without any raft-building experience necessary!
Jackie has some fantastic people joining her over the next few weeks; here are some details to whet your appetites:
12th September
Dame Yve Buckland
Chair of the Consumer Council for Water
19th September
Dennis Hale
Advanced Driver Services
26th September
Jackie is away this week, so this gives us another chance to listen to one of her previous shows
3rd October
Jackie will be working as Compere at the Fashion Show and Costume Auction at Val Rainbow’s Autumn Souk taking place at Shipston High School today. This gives us another chance to listen to one of Jackie’s previous shows.
5th December
Anna Mason
Distance Dieters
Anna returns to provide advice and guidance about healthy eating throughout the festive season.
Other guests are yet to be confirmed. Watch this space for more details as we get them.
Join Jackie and her guests on Saturdays at 1pm
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Jackie has some fantastic people joining her over the next few weeks; here are some details to whet your appetites:
12th September
Dame Yve Buckland
Chair of the Consumer Council for Water
19th September
Dennis Hale
Advanced Driver Services
26th September
Jackie is away this week, so this gives us another chance to listen to one of her previous shows
3rd October
Jackie will be working as Compere at the Fashion Show and Costume Auction at Val Rainbow’s Autumn Souk taking place at Shipston High School today. This gives us another chance to listen to one of Jackie’s previous shows.
5th December
Anna Mason
Distance Dieters
Anna returns to provide advice and guidance about healthy eating throughout the festive season.
Other guests are yet to be confirmed. Watch this space for more details as we get them.
Join Jackie and her guests on Saturdays at 1pm
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InkTears On The Radio
On 5th September, IT entrepreneur and prize-winning author Anthony Howcroft was a guest on Jackie King-Turner’s show THIS MUCH I KNOW.
The following day Anthony wrote about the experience on his website – this is what he said:

Sunday, 6 September 2009
Yesterday I was the guest of Jackie King-Turner on her Stratford-based radio show. It’s the first time I’ve ever been on the radio (in person), so it was a completely fresh experience. One of my stories was previously read out on BBC Radio (actually Beetles and Butterflies - the current InkTears story of the month) and that was a surreal experience, as I could listen to the actor and radio host talk about my story but had no way to interact with them. This was a very different experience, as you sit in a studio and chat in a small intimate group and try to forget the other people eavesdropping on the airwaves.
Like any new experience, it’s a little daunting at first, but Jackie and Sam (the engineer) soon put me at my ease and I throughly enjoyed the whole event. Having done lots of live online presentations for work, I can say that this is very different. In a work presentation you typically don’t get a break (although with a good pre-sales person, you build in ways to take a breather and gather your thoughts) while on the radio there is a short gap every few minutes where a song is played, and you can have a drink, relax a little and/or think about what you might be talking about next. I should point out that Jackie and Sam were often very busy during these periods, so the relaxation is for guests only - there was a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes! It is also rather strange to put your headset on to talk to each other, and be sitting directly in front of someone but hearing their voice through the headphones. That was one aspect which I found strangely reassuring though, as it reminded me of flying from Enstone in the SuperDimona (license expired now, sadly...). In an aeroplane the headphones are noise cancelling and the prop makes so much noise that you can’t hear a thing without them, so it kept surprising me when I took the headphones off and found I could still hear Jackie and Sam.
Being on the radio also makes you acutely aware of sounds. I had never noticed that Jackie has such a good voice for radio before, or that my voice sounded so squeaky! Of course, like any presentation (especially those that are recorded) you come away thinking about how you could or should have answered this differently, or said that in a better way. I guess that’s why I’m a writer. You can keep going over the words until you get them exactly the way you want them. Then you can change them next week. Then the next. And the next.
Still, lots of good plug opportunities were provided for InkTears. It was such good fun being on the show. Thanks Jackie! Thanks Sam!
Anthony Howcroft
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The following day Anthony wrote about the experience on his website – this is what he said:

Sunday, 6 September 2009
Yesterday I was the guest of Jackie King-Turner on her Stratford-based radio show. It’s the first time I’ve ever been on the radio (in person), so it was a completely fresh experience. One of my stories was previously read out on BBC Radio (actually Beetles and Butterflies - the current InkTears story of the month) and that was a surreal experience, as I could listen to the actor and radio host talk about my story but had no way to interact with them. This was a very different experience, as you sit in a studio and chat in a small intimate group and try to forget the other people eavesdropping on the airwaves.
Like any new experience, it’s a little daunting at first, but Jackie and Sam (the engineer) soon put me at my ease and I throughly enjoyed the whole event. Having done lots of live online presentations for work, I can say that this is very different. In a work presentation you typically don’t get a break (although with a good pre-sales person, you build in ways to take a breather and gather your thoughts) while on the radio there is a short gap every few minutes where a song is played, and you can have a drink, relax a little and/or think about what you might be talking about next. I should point out that Jackie and Sam were often very busy during these periods, so the relaxation is for guests only - there was a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes! It is also rather strange to put your headset on to talk to each other, and be sitting directly in front of someone but hearing their voice through the headphones. That was one aspect which I found strangely reassuring though, as it reminded me of flying from Enstone in the SuperDimona (license expired now, sadly...). In an aeroplane the headphones are noise cancelling and the prop makes so much noise that you can’t hear a thing without them, so it kept surprising me when I took the headphones off and found I could still hear Jackie and Sam.
Being on the radio also makes you acutely aware of sounds. I had never noticed that Jackie has such a good voice for radio before, or that my voice sounded so squeaky! Of course, like any presentation (especially those that are recorded) you come away thinking about how you could or should have answered this differently, or said that in a better way. I guess that’s why I’m a writer. You can keep going over the words until you get them exactly the way you want them. Then you can change them next week. Then the next. And the next.
Still, lots of good plug opportunities were provided for InkTears. It was such good fun being on the show. Thanks Jackie! Thanks Sam!
Anthony Howcroft
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Happily Ever After links with Stratford Soroptimist Club
We are pleased to announce that Happily Ever After has formed its first association with a local reading group.
Soroptimist International is a World-wide organisation for women, all committed to working for equality, development and peace. Internationally, they are currently raising funds for projects in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Uganda. The Stratford Club meets monthly and enjoys talks, fund-raising and social activities, and locally the members support the Shakespeare Hospice and Warwickshire Air Ambulance, as well as maintaining a garden at Stratford Hospital.
Stratford Soroptimists now have a Reading Group which is a fairly recent addition to their activities. These ladies have widely varying tastes in literature, but hopefully over the course of the year they will all find something they enjoy among the titles they will be reading.
Currently, the groups are reading ‘The Eyre Affair’ by Jasper Fforde. This is a wacky, slightly sci-fi book featuring a heroine called Thursday Next who is a literary detective on the trail of the evil villain of the story, who is kidnapping characters from great novels and threatening to change the plots of the novels forever!
The book is the first in a series of Thursday Next titles, which have become a bit of a cult among some readers.
The next book the group will be reading is ‘Snow Falling on the Cedars’ by David Guterson. This is a beautifully written tale set on a remote island off the West Coast of America in the 1950s.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the Club and we hope that every month one of two members will be able to come into the studio and review their latest read with our listeners.
If you have read either of the titles mentioned above and would like to tell us what you thought, please send us a message! We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Jacqui and the SCR Team
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Soroptimist International is a World-wide organisation for women, all committed to working for equality, development and peace. Internationally, they are currently raising funds for projects in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Uganda. The Stratford Club meets monthly and enjoys talks, fund-raising and social activities, and locally the members support the Shakespeare Hospice and Warwickshire Air Ambulance, as well as maintaining a garden at Stratford Hospital.
Stratford Soroptimists now have a Reading Group which is a fairly recent addition to their activities. These ladies have widely varying tastes in literature, but hopefully over the course of the year they will all find something they enjoy among the titles they will be reading.
Currently, the groups are reading ‘The Eyre Affair’ by Jasper Fforde. This is a wacky, slightly sci-fi book featuring a heroine called Thursday Next who is a literary detective on the trail of the evil villain of the story, who is kidnapping characters from great novels and threatening to change the plots of the novels forever!
The book is the first in a series of Thursday Next titles, which have become a bit of a cult among some readers.
The next book the group will be reading is ‘Snow Falling on the Cedars’ by David Guterson. This is a beautifully written tale set on a remote island off the West Coast of America in the 1950s.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the Club and we hope that every month one of two members will be able to come into the studio and review their latest read with our listeners.
If you have read either of the titles mentioned above and would like to tell us what you thought, please send us a message! We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Jacqui and the SCR Team
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Happily Ever After Writing Competition “Halloween”
Happily Ever After, the new weekly literary show on Stratford Community Radio, is seeking out writing talent in the town. We want to hear from aspiring writers, whether their preference is poetry, short stories, drama, comedy or full-length novels.

To get our search underway, we are holding a COMPETITION! The theme is HALLOWEEN and entries can be in the form of a poem (maximum 32 lines) or short story (Maximum 1500 words). Your work can be scary, funny, fantasy, and for adults or for children.
Win the chance to appear on the radio and have your story or poem published online!
Winners will be selected in two age groups – Under 16 and Over 16.
Each age group will have a First Place and Runner Up awarded for BEST SHORT STORY and also BEST POEM.
All winning entries will be published on the website of and writers will be invited into the studio on Friday 30th October 2009 to read out their winning entries during Happily Ever After, between 4pm and 5pm. Nominated readers can read the winning work on behalf of writers, if preferred.
Send your entry to:
Happily Ever After
Stratford Community Radio
50 Henley Street
CV37 6QW
Closing date for entries is Friday, 9th October 2009. Entries received after this date will not be considered. Winners will be notified by Friday 23rd October 2009. See Terms and Conditions for further details. All entries must be typewritten with have a cover sheet detailing, name, address, age, telephone number. Short stories must be double-spaced and poems single-spaced, with double-spacing between verses, if applicable. Only one entry per person allowed. It will not be possible to return entries.
Terms and Conditions
1. Entry is open to any writer who lives, works or studies in the Stratford-upon-Avon area. Entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not currently be submitted for publication or any other competition or award.
2. All entries must be accompanied by a cover-sheet detailing the name, address, telephone number and age of the entrant, along with the correct word count. Entrants under 16 must have permission to enter granted by a responsible adult, which might be a parent or teacher.
3. All entries must be typed and on A4 paper. Short stories must be double-spaced. Poems must be single-spaced with double-spacing between each verse, if applicable. Entries cannot be returned.
4. Short stories must be a maximum of 1,500 words. Poems should be a maximum of 32 lines.
5. Entrants retain full copyright to their work.
6. Closing date for entries is Friday, 9th October. Entries received after this date will not be considered.
7. Entries written for adults will be accepted, however any entry containing language or references that listeners may consider offensive or inappropriate for afternoon transmission will not be considered.
8. There are two categories for entrants – Under 16s and Over 16s.
9. Judges will select a First Place and Runner-up for Under 16s for Best Short Story and Best Poem, and for Over 16s for Best Short Story and Best Poem.
10. If other entries are received which the Judges feel deserve commendation, these entries may be selected to appear on the website at
11. Winners will be notified by Friday, 23rd October by telephone on the number provided on the entry cover-sheet.
12. Winning entries and Runners-up will be published on and entry to this competition confirms agreement to such publication.
13. Writers of winning entries will be invited to the studio at Henley Street on Friday, 30th October at 4pm in order to read their winning entries live on the Happily Ever After Show. Writers may nominate a third party to read their winning entry on their behalf, if preferred.
14. The Judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
15. No cash prizes will be awarded.
16. No alternative prizes will be awarded, however if prize-winners are not able to attend the studio on 30th October 2009, an alternative date may be offered in certain circumstances.
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To get our search underway, we are holding a COMPETITION! The theme is HALLOWEEN and entries can be in the form of a poem (maximum 32 lines) or short story (Maximum 1500 words). Your work can be scary, funny, fantasy, and for adults or for children.
Win the chance to appear on the radio and have your story or poem published online!
Winners will be selected in two age groups – Under 16 and Over 16.
Each age group will have a First Place and Runner Up awarded for BEST SHORT STORY and also BEST POEM.
All winning entries will be published on the website of and writers will be invited into the studio on Friday 30th October 2009 to read out their winning entries during Happily Ever After, between 4pm and 5pm. Nominated readers can read the winning work on behalf of writers, if preferred.
Send your entry to:
Happily Ever After
Stratford Community Radio
50 Henley Street
CV37 6QW
Closing date for entries is Friday, 9th October 2009. Entries received after this date will not be considered. Winners will be notified by Friday 23rd October 2009. See Terms and Conditions for further details. All entries must be typewritten with have a cover sheet detailing, name, address, age, telephone number. Short stories must be double-spaced and poems single-spaced, with double-spacing between verses, if applicable. Only one entry per person allowed. It will not be possible to return entries.
Terms and Conditions
1. Entry is open to any writer who lives, works or studies in the Stratford-upon-Avon area. Entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not currently be submitted for publication or any other competition or award.
2. All entries must be accompanied by a cover-sheet detailing the name, address, telephone number and age of the entrant, along with the correct word count. Entrants under 16 must have permission to enter granted by a responsible adult, which might be a parent or teacher.
3. All entries must be typed and on A4 paper. Short stories must be double-spaced. Poems must be single-spaced with double-spacing between each verse, if applicable. Entries cannot be returned.
4. Short stories must be a maximum of 1,500 words. Poems should be a maximum of 32 lines.
5. Entrants retain full copyright to their work.
6. Closing date for entries is Friday, 9th October. Entries received after this date will not be considered.
7. Entries written for adults will be accepted, however any entry containing language or references that listeners may consider offensive or inappropriate for afternoon transmission will not be considered.
8. There are two categories for entrants – Under 16s and Over 16s.
9. Judges will select a First Place and Runner-up for Under 16s for Best Short Story and Best Poem, and for Over 16s for Best Short Story and Best Poem.
10. If other entries are received which the Judges feel deserve commendation, these entries may be selected to appear on the website at
11. Winners will be notified by Friday, 23rd October by telephone on the number provided on the entry cover-sheet.
12. Winning entries and Runners-up will be published on and entry to this competition confirms agreement to such publication.
13. Writers of winning entries will be invited to the studio at Henley Street on Friday, 30th October at 4pm in order to read their winning entries live on the Happily Ever After Show. Writers may nominate a third party to read their winning entry on their behalf, if preferred.
14. The Judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
15. No cash prizes will be awarded.
16. No alternative prizes will be awarded, however if prize-winners are not able to attend the studio on 30th October 2009, an alternative date may be offered in certain circumstances.
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Live Music on the Alternative Show this week
After a tremendous first solo spot last Friday, this week Peter Keynton-Hook raises the bar with a fantastic array of guests to entertain you while Val Rainbow is off sunning herself.
The Alternative Show on 4th September – now a two hour slot from 2pm to 4pm every Friday, will feature Claude Walters, manager of Stratford Civic Hall, to update you with news from the Rother Street venue.
Also appearing, and playing live is Marion Morgan, Stratforward BID Street Entertainment Co-ordinator and singer & musician of high regard. And while the microphone is still warm, Peter will be joined by a variety of buskers who have played in Stratford this summer, each playing one song live in the studio.
There is also talk – as yet unconfirmed – that Marion will be joined by another musician for her live performance. You’ll just have to listen in at 2pm on Friday to find out who it is!
Don’t forget to let Peter know that you are listening and enjoying the show. Email him during the show via the MYSCR cotact form.
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The Alternative Show on 4th September – now a two hour slot from 2pm to 4pm every Friday, will feature Claude Walters, manager of Stratford Civic Hall, to update you with news from the Rother Street venue.
Also appearing, and playing live is Marion Morgan, Stratforward BID Street Entertainment Co-ordinator and singer & musician of high regard. And while the microphone is still warm, Peter will be joined by a variety of buskers who have played in Stratford this summer, each playing one song live in the studio.
There is also talk – as yet unconfirmed – that Marion will be joined by another musician for her live performance. You’ll just have to listen in at 2pm on Friday to find out who it is!
Don’t forget to let Peter know that you are listening and enjoying the show. Email him during the show via the MYSCR cotact form.
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